When you see your children at play in our classroom they are really at work. The following will showcase the opportunities that our LEARNING ENVIRONMENT provides.
Through Blocks a Child:
Has the opportunity to use large muscles to lift, carry & stack
Chooses sizes & shapes
Learns to make decisions
Engages in conversations
Learns to collaborate with others
Recognizes the rights of others
Learns to put materials away
Through Art a Child:
Can enjoy the sensory experience of seeing & feeling
Has the opportunity to think through processes
Has outlets for emotional tensions & frustrations
Enjoys manipulation through rolling, squeezing, pounding, pushing & pulling
Creates things & names products
Enjoys stories about products
Experiments with color
Discovers intersting, innovative ideas
Has the opportunity for social interactions Through Dramatic Play a Child:
Simulates life experiences
Develops muscular coordination by manipulating different materials
Learns to cooperate with others
Reveals thoughts & attitudes through conversation